Why I'm Also A Food Porn Network Reject.
You know that feeling when you crave something so bad you MUST have it?
So, despite your better judgement to just eat grapes, you jaunt to the gas station to get gas so you can jaunt to the grocery store to pickup ingredients for said craving.
You get home, you follow the recipe EXACTLY (because, although you are soooo envious of people who just eyeball ingredients, you measure everything out to prevent catastrophic failure that you've witnessed many a times before).
But then. You forget to set the timer.
They burn.
They're flatter than pancakes.
And they suck.
So you eat your grapes.

Seriously interweb, what causes cookies to be FLAT? How can you screw up cookies?!
Ohhhh, NO! Nothing is more disappointing than specifically baking something to enjoy ~ and then ruining it!!! And pregnancy cravings are nothing to toy with. Yikes. Did you have to fill up with gas again to buy a grocery bag full of chocolate bars afterwards?!
Too much butter causes cookies to be flat- or using margarine in the place of butter. I've totally had the flat-cookie experience and been crushed as well!
lol! Oh this has happened to me before. I however mistakenly used powered sugar instead of flour...not pretty!
I think if you melt your butter (like in the microwave) instead of using 'softened' butter then your cookies will be flatter too. Oh, and now I'm totally craving cookies!
I'd still eat them. It's been a long day. :)
Those still look yummy! I feel like I know the answer to your question...I think I read it on Joy the Baker. She did a chocolate chip cookie experiment a while back.
The last time I tried to make somthing like that I epic failed.
great photo friday
looks like something i'd do!
I would have chipped them off the tray with a chisel. :)
I always wondered what caused that I always thought it wasn't enough baking powder/soda. I still eat them though.
Really? 'Cause those look pretty good to me! Are those marshmallows or white chocolate chips?
the batter may have been too warm . . put it in the fridge in b/t batches. plus did you remember the baking soda?
I wish I could tell you... next time just eat the cookies sans baking. Much better that way. ;)
I once had cookies turn out just like that! I went to double the recipe, but ended up only doubling the butter.
I didn't figure out what was wrong until I kept adding more and more four and they were still turning out flat! Then it hit me and I laughed myself silly.
Um...I would eat them..chocolate right?? giggle..sorry..flat is good, that is if it's my abs..but they still look tasty!!
Ugh! That's the worst. Cookies can be tough too...just being the slightest bit off on the measurement of ingredients can change their whole outcome (ie flat cookies) I hope you went back later and tried again! =)
I'm with Joanna - its usually butter - I use half butter and half vegetable shortening. A little flatness never stopped me from overindulging...
On no, there is nothing like having a preggo craving and not getting to eat them. Ya know, I prob woulda still tasted them anyway. Next time, cookies on a stone. The never burn when you cook them on stoneware. Love the shot though.
Either too much butter or too little flour will make them do that. Or perhaps your baking powder/soda is really old. I'm so sorry you didn't get to eat them, though. That's so sad.
Ooohh, that is so frustrating! I've had that happen before too. They still look pretty tasty to me, though...I'm sure I would have eaten them anyway!
Dude. Was the butter warm? That makes all the difference. Trust me I know. I eat WAY too many cookies.
Just call them wafers. And eat them up;) I am no baker, so I would be useless in this exercise.
I would have still eaten them.
And somebody told me if the dough is too warm they get flat. That's what happened the last time I made cookies.
Now, I just make them from the box!
Well, I screw up cookies just by being me. But I've got pancakes down.
Come to think of it, grapes don't sound too bad -- then again, I'm not carrying twins inside my womb (or anything at all for that matter).
oh oh.....either too much fat or not enough baking powder. I have done both. Let them dry out, then use it as a topping on ice cream. LOL...we know all the tricks.
Great shot though.
I just buy a mix. :) I have never ever seen cookies that flat! :)
.... and all this time I thought flat cookies were extra-special!!
Oh no! There must be a way to salvage them. Can you crack them with a meat tenderizer and eat them like peanut brittle? :)
My guess is the amount of butter, or baking soda/powder?
Oh, I'd have still eaten them - tee hee! I've gotten to where I just buy the refrigerator dough cookies and I don't even bother baking them - I just eat 'em right out of the tube!
You are so cute!
Have a really good weekend - Kellan
Nooooo Kidding. Did this to chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. For shame. for shame
Mine have come out like that before too and I have no idea what I did wrong. They still look edible to me though... (please tell me you still ate some of them to curb that craving!)
Oh no! Well, hey - at least you tried, right? That's more then I can say for myself!
Hey, but I bet they're still tasty. I would eat them no matter what, I'm the mom!
There is *nothing* worse than a pregnant woman (with TWINS no less!) who doesn't get the cookies she craves. I so remember those days. It should never happen. Next time, have them delivered to your doorstep :)
LOL, sorry....that totally stinks!
Even flat cookies taste good, right?? Well bless you for trying, anyway. I'm sure your lil guy didn't complain about homemade cookies, no matter how flat! :)
Now that is a major bummer! I would have been so upset....I LOVE choc chip cookies. Hope you managed to take care of your craving. I always have the pre-made tub of Nestle cookie dough from Costco in our freezer for those times when I need to have cookies!
oven too hot? too much butter? who cares - i bet they tasted great anyway!
I do remember that craving feeling! Trouble was........ chocolate bars and sherbet dabs were not healthy and grapes wouldn't do!
Looks like the oven wasn't the right temperature. Strange!
LOL, how bummed were you?! Grapes are a poor substitute for chocolate!!
from one food network junkie to another--the answer is
too much grease in the cookie!
watch Alton Brown, he's kind of weird but he always explains the "science" behind a recipe. Cooking is exactly like conducting a scientific experiment. I've learned a lot about the proper way to do things--but I'm no pro
Alton Brown’s chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe enjoy!
we have been working on this very problem at our house. it seems that we get better results if we use half butter and half shortening and carefully test the stickiness of the dough while adding the flour and babysit them ... watch em like a hawk while they bake.
Good cookie baking to ya.
Oh No! I know how it feels to have something in mind and then not have it turn out exactly. At least those look like crispy cookies :)
i would still eat them, sometimes i like my cookies crispier.
Darn! This happens to my cookies sometimes too. I keep meaning to look up what makes the cookies go flat, but I can never remember to do that.
I seriously hope you got some cookies ... somewhere ....
i am pretty sure i have made those flat cookies before...ooops.
This would be the reason I don't bake. You know they sell the dough in the store, right?? ;)
awwww what a bummer!!! Sorry your cookies didn't go as planned. :(
Oh no!! All that trouble and then they burned. I think the Lord was sending you a message from Heaven and that is that he doesn't want you to eat chocolate chip cookies.
I'm sorry. You just weren't meant for eachother.
That being said...
....I still would have eaten them.
Oops! Next time, just buy a box of cookies. Sweet cravings indicate girl babies, don't you know!
Ugh!! My cookies do that too!! Even the ones that are pre-prepared!!
I'm going to agree with a few of your other commenters, too much butter probably did that. I've discovered that the 2 sticks called for on the back of the bag recipe, can be a little bit overkill for the dough. I'm sorry they didn't turn out though. I do understand, of course. ;) Oddly enough I've been eating grapes too lately.
oh - boy this is why I don't always love cooking
wait - I rarely love cooking and baking even less
I have had this happen to me before and it is SOOO disappointing. Especially when you are a pregnant lady wanting something GREAT!
too funny... that has happened to me many many times.... did you ever get the answer on why they are flat??? (i'd love to know myself... :)
That craving you describe? Feel it every day. And I've had flat cookies ... but I still ate them. And if at first you don't succeed, try try again!
Um, yeah.....been there, done that. I'm sure you saw my terrible cookie post. But those were at lease edible, just terrible looking. Better luck next time!
Oh I am so sorry for you sad little cookies! It happens to all of us. You should see the Easter cupcakes I tried to make for friends! Crumbled disasters that were waaayyyy too sweet!
The only tip I can offer is to chill your dough at least an hour before baking! They won't be so flat. Maybe your oven is hotter than many too. Mine seems to be on the warm side.
I HATE when that happens. Like when I knew I was supposed to have OJ . . . I mean, that's good for you, right?
But I wanted a Slurpee. But said Slurpee got left on top of the car.
Needless to say, I had to settle for cruddy old OJ.
oh, crap. um too much butter and also wrong amounts of baking soda or powder
It's gotta be the butter. Did you use to much girl? They still look edible to me!
Too funny! I would've just grabbed a Snickers though!!!
I'm not a cookie chef. I screw them up all the time. I'm bad with timers, too. Grapes... too bad.
Flat cookies still taste better than grapes - unless of course the grapes have been fermented - then it's a toss-up.
That is what MY cookies look like. Are they NOT supposed to look like that?
Oh man that sucks :(
That has happened to me before, so disappointing!!
I've had the flat cookies problem before but I have no idea what causes it. I'm pretty capable of messing up any recipe.
Butter melts before the cookie has time to set, thus leading to a flatter (less puffy cookie). But I'm not sure why you ended up with pancakes. Sounds like an Alton Brown question!!
I'll say this. I KNEW I was pregnant when I spent a week ruining food. I took a home pregnancy test and it said I wasn't, but I KNEW I was!! There's something about pregnancy that ruins food. Dunno why, but it's absolutely true ;-)
If I was there, I'd totally make you cookies. Or at least find a really good cookie shop.
Coming to LA any time soon? All 5 of you?
That sucks! I hope you made another batch since then so you could enjoy your craving (or had it passed already?)
Unless they were black, I'd probably eat them but tell my family they were horrible and I threw them all away...and make them eat the grapes.
I live by my timer. I just always get distracted otherwise...and burn things. And then, when I'm in that desperate phase, I even eat them when they are burnt.
Girl, I TOTALLY would still eat this w/ you! They look edible to me and that is FO SHO!