Shut It Granny.
Today at the grocery store I almost decked an old lady heavily scented in moth balls.
Forgive me, I HAZ HORMONES².
First she TRIED to rub my belly. Then she declared what a blessing my Easter baby will be.
A full-term twin pregnancy is 34 weeks gestation so I still have at least 9 weeks to go before my intestines are completely obliterated and they arrive. I simply replied to Mothy with a Slingblade version of MMMHMMM and let her purchase her prune juice.
Me. Pregnant with twins. Feeling whale-esque. 25 weeks.
So I've never had my belly rubbed. But, I can't imagine it would be terribly fun. By a stranger. In the store.
Just a thought... is it anything like having my 5 foot stack of adoption papers rubbed?
Bwhahahaha. Sorry. I think I just cracked myself up.
You look AMAZING. I had my belly rubbed EVERY where I went. So weird.
Congrats on twins, at 25 weeks with twins, I looked a whole 5 months more pregnant than you do there, I swear! Moth balls, blech!
i've been there....
you look good ;)
Love the picture! You look great! Loved how you told this story! It gave me a good laugh!
My belly was rubbed way too much by people I didn't know! It was weird!
Is it wrong to be jealous of your belly? If that's you at 25 weeks with twins what was I pregnant with, rhinos? Geez! I didn't EVER look that good!!
I got rubbed a few times. I always felt like I needed to take a shower afterward. Felt so violated! look great!
And, I would have rubbed her belly back...because that's socially acceptable! I never understand a stranger's desire to rub another stranger's belly. It's just weird man...weird!!
Ewwww... gross. Stranger hands on your tummy. Yuck! But you don't look like a whale. You look supercute! This is my first time participating in photostory Friday, but I put my post up a day early, oops! Anyway, hope you enjoy my photostory - I'm off to visit all of yours!
Your belly looks beautifully teeny to me :) Let me know if you'd like to see my 25 weeks twin belly! And I hope you smacked that Granny's hand!
What a cute belly you have! Oh and how dare she!!!
Oh this was so funny. I'm smirking here at the THOUGHT of prune juice and a genie rub down. That ain't right!
And 25 weeks? Awesome!
You look cute! And I was about that size with only ONE at your stage. I have huge babies!
I have joined your meme! I do a couple of other Friday memes, and this one fits PERFECTLY with those. If you visit my "Friday Meme Trifecta", you'll see what I mean :o) Anyway, excited to see what stories everyone else posts. Never been pregnant, so I really cannot relate to anyone going for the belly - but I suspect there would be a couple of broken arms so maybe the Lord was wise in refraining from bestowing a belly upon me LOL!
Tink *~*~*
Fort Myers Beach Moon
Oh MG you look fantastic!!
I think you look great! You really aren't as big as I would think you would be. Hope that came out as a compliment. Don't want to get on the bad side of the hormonex2 mommy. :)
Why the heck don't they rub your feet?!?!?!
Now THAT would be welcomed.
AND appreciated!
OMG. You don't look 25 weeks along, you look *great!* :) You are sure it's twins, right? (just joking) :)
You are a brave woman. I don't think I ever did belly photos because I had a belly BEFORE I had babies. :o)
I didn't have anyone rub my belly, probably because they could sense I would smack them if they did!
Still lookin' great...hang in there! are looking good!! So long as hubby was rubbing or my little was all good.
Love the photograph...:)
ooohh, belly rubbers that are strangers are the worst!!
Love the shot. You should frame these in a sequence.
Happy Thurday
Did she also pick a name?
For Authorbloglet No.1, everyone told us we were having a boy, so we only had boys' names - and then had to revise plans very quickly!!
I'm still laughing - what a cute post and you look wonderful!! You're big - but that's a good sign!! So love seeing and following along with your exciting pregnancy. Take care of yourself and I'll see you soon - Kellan
awesome blessings
from gp.. who 's an identical twin :)
I think you're lookin' good. She's probably one of the same people who when you have a baby girl decked out in pink comments how cute your boy is.
ok - i've spent the last 5 minutes trying to compose this comment so it's grammatically correct.
firstly - your tummy is QUITE SMALL. REALLY! twins? 25 weeks! you are TINY.
having said that, remembering the word 'tiny' - your boobs are almost dwarf your tiny tummy.
that's a good thing BTW.
i would have said 'fly away mothey - fly away'...
did i just visit your other blog? i'm so confused! year older, less brain cells - friday'n'all too...
I'm not sure I'm qualified to follow up that zinger from Scrappysue!
Being on the OTHER side of pregnancy, I have never had my belly rubbed, but I remember people -- perfect strangers -- doing that to my wife. You're suddenly fair game to all the old "mothy" ladies in the grocery store.
Not sure what causes people to act the way they do.
That's one beautiful bellyful of tinys!
You have our permission to give the next lady/man the cold stare. Good practice for dealing with 3 children!
Oh please, you don't look THAT big to me. And I mean that "Oh please" to Granny, not you! K?
Anyway, hope you are feeling good, 'cause you look great.
And also to Granny - "Hands off!!"
This is my first time participating...I am so excited! Glad I found you.
What is the matter with some people?!! You look great -- and the weeks will fly by (although I am going to cross my fingers for you to make it to 37 weeks!)
What a pretty baby bump! Congrats on having twins.
You look pretty tiny to me. I never minded the belly rubs. I felt they were enjoying the new life that I was privileged to feel from the inside each day.
Oh, twins or not - you look incredible! :)
girlfriend, you look fabulous!
I personally think you don't look large at all, especially for twins.
Thanks for posting. I do believe I mentioned wanting to see how you looked.
happy PSF!
Too funny! I hated when strangers would try to rub the buddha-it's mine-back off :-) Love the photo by the way and congrats :-)
Hey, no fair. I'm two weeks ahead of you, but you get to have your babies sooner? Means I'll be a whale even longer. Maybe you can at least take comfort in that. :)
Why, oh why, does everyone want to rub the belly?
You do look amazing!
I looked as though I was expecting triplets and I was only carrying one at a time!
People are only being affectionate and wishing you well and maybe a trifle jealous.
You look faBULOUS dahhling! You do! Twins! Great picture. You are doing so good! As to the old lady,I can just see her now (like the old lady on madagascar 2)...hope you had wet ones to clean up after. But you have to admit, it is sooo great to get all of that attention when you're pregnant.
one sunday while standing in the church hallway bouncing my unhappy 8 month old daughter, a fellow baby bouncer (male) asked me when my baby was due--I replied, "eight months ago!" just never could get rid of the baby fat!
You really don't look that big.
Take my word for it, you look fantastic.
Your belly is gorgeous.
But I hear you. The random belly rapes drove me nuts when I was pregnant.
Oh come on, I think you look fantastic for 25 weeks :-)
That being said, I am NOT a fan of the belly rubbing crowd. Only my husband and kids got to rub by roundness.
You belly looks so tempting. I can't imagine not wanting to rub it (just kidding, dam strangers!)
Your tummy is soooo cute!!!!
It always bothered me that people assumed my pregnant belly was public property ;-)
Can't wait to meet the twins!! ;-)
Beautiful baby belly! Heck! I think my belly was bigger at 25 weeks than yours is now and I only had ONE in there!
I'm jealous though. I just had a miscarriage last night and got pregnant again after that. We go in Monday for an ultrasound to see if this baby has made it...
I wish you a happy and comfortable remaining time with them!
With twins?? No, no, no, you look great! Don't listen to stupid people.
And I'm with you on the rubbing bit - rub my belly, lose a hand. *grin*
Your double baby bump looks absolutely gorgeous!!!
You look wonderful! And though I know how you feel, you really don't look like a whale!! :)
You look absolutely fabulous! That old lady obviously can't see well either!
You look freakin' amazing, but anyone who tried (or tries, for that matter) to rub my belly is liable to get DECKED.
Awwww, what a perfect belly and you look so small for twins! Yeah I hated being preggo and going out in public. Just leave us alone!
I know that crowded organ feeling can leave one feeling less than skinny, but you look fabulous.
BWHAAAHHAAAA....snarky sarcastic humor sure can carry you far in life! I love it:) And you are a beauty. Wear that belly proudly mama!
You look great and not like a whale in any regard. :)
It seems the further women are from being pregnant the more they forget to be polite and not assume! At least you were pregnant when the old lady talked about when you were due...unlike me. At least she didn't try to pat my belly. ;)
what a beautiful belly, growing + nurturing 2 little lives.
it bothers me when strangers touched my belly, but even more when they touched my little ones. it was as if multiples {and pregnant bellies and single babies, too} are on display, free for others to explore.
Whalesque?? Please! I looked bigger than that at 25 weeks and I was only carrying singletons! I think you look fabulous!
You look beautiful...and nothing like a whale. ;) Have a great weekend!
And hey, I'm playing PSF two weeks in a row...
Great picture. My belly looked very similar with my twin pregnancy. And I remember feeling so huge, just wait.... I had my boys at 35 weeks, and I don't think I could have gone another day, it was time.
My first go at Photostory Firday !
You look amazing, my friend! Beautiful! :)
And I'm LMAO at "Mothy."
You look amazing, my friend! Beautiful! :)
And I'm LMAO at "Mothy."
People always rubbed my belly too- and I'm shy, so I hated it. And by the way, I'm pretty sure I was the same size as you with one at 25 weeks. You look amazing!
Your babies are so beautiful. No wonder strangers think you are the magic buddah (did I spell that correctly?) ball.
Are you kidding me? You are TINY for having twins. I mean, REALLY. WOW! You look great!
That picture is just gorgeous. Pretty belly. And beautiful ring too! :)
OOh, nicely handled. I am not hormonal and I still can't refrain from letting someone know they've crossed the line. At least she meant well (?)
AND you are NOT whale-esque. I have thighs bigger than you.
That's hilarious. I have never had any stranger make a comment like that - and believe me, I'm as big as you are...and there's just one in there. :-) You look great - and don't worry about your "baby" boy - he'll LOVE the new additions, especially after they learn to sit up - at least that's when my daughter actually thought her brother was somewhat "cool."
Oh shush granny, you look GORGEOUS :) and NOT like a whale at all!!!!!
I did not like random people touching my belly, why is it that people feel they can do that ?!!
You look fabulous!
Well, I don't think you look like a whale at all! You look very fashionable to me! And why people think it is OK to rub pregnant women's bellies is BEYOND me!
You look wonderful.
You are sooo tiny!! There is no way there is twins in there. Hehehe!
I think you look fabulous and you have a perfect little belly. I hated when people would come up and touch my stomach, so crazy and it drove me nuts!
Love your blog....Just found it through y'alls humor! Love your tummy too!
I think that you look fantastic!
Whaa? How do you look like I did at 25 weeks with one baby when you're 25 weeks along with two babies?
Looking good, MG!
Oh, I nearly committed homocide in the produce aisle on two occasions. Both were walking, talking Avon/moth ball collections.
I feel ya.
I kept a list of people who belly rubbed me while I was at work. Took it to HR.
No, I didn't. Though I wanted to take it to HR. I just gave it to all other pregnant women and told them to avoid the rubbers.
Which is kind of funny, now that I've written "avoid the rubbers" because, duh, that's why they're pregnant.
Oh, I crack myself up. Good-bye now.
What a cute picture! And for twins I'd say you are doing great in the size department.
My SIL was so big with her one baby that at five months people were asking when she was due, and then asking if it was twins. (ouch)
I've never had my belly rubbed by a stranger. I would totally have felt wierd.
You don't look like you're carrying twins. Cute picture.
still beautiful! and I always hated when someone tried to touch my tummy!
People think a prego belly is like a genie in a bottle. Maybe her wish was actually to get slugged?
You're HAWT mama. You work prego like it's your job.
Old people have no cooth with pregnant women. Old men I could often forgive. The women, come on your memory might be failing but haven't you done this too?
great pic, how did you get that!
hormones eh??
I just have to say that you look fabulous. You don't even what to know what my belly looked like at 25 weeks. But I so know how you feel, one multiples mom to another.
Are you kidding? You look amazing! I didn't look that good at one month with one!
dude, how did I miss this?!?! you are so adorable
you're tiny!!! your tummy looks so cute!!
Oh geez you don't even LOOK like you could be pregnant with twins.
You look like me after pizza night.
You must have a kind face. No one EVER rubbed my tummy in either pregnancy. I must have a don't-even-think-about-touching-my-tummy face. But the comments on size were annoying. We wonder why young people have no tact. They learned it from their grandparents!