ALL The Live Long Day.
Last night I dreamt I was struck by a freakishly friendly train (on the island of Sodor I might add) and died.
If you've never heard of Sodor, count your lucky stars. Twice.
The winter of 2009 will undoubtedly go down as the year that Toddler and I worked on his railroad all the live long day. I have assembled more track and mastered more train sounds than I care to admit (to an adult that is).
Chugga-chugga! has taken on a whole new meaning since college.

All for the love of a boy.
Oh, I just love those chunky little hands...
It's amazing how things change with kids. All that stuff I swore I'd never do...well, I do them. :)
Ha! Chugga chugga has taken on a whole new meaning! I love it.
I love the photo! We go to Books-A-Million for our little one to play with the trains. I think we need to buy our own train. As many parenting books as I leave B.A.M. with (and never get to read), we should just buy him a train set and stay home!
Love the picture! I wish that my son had waited another two years to get into trains, there's only so many times I can go "Chugga Chugga Chooo Chooo" without wanting to smack myself. :)
Awwww, think of all the wonderful memories you're creating with him! You take such marvelous pictures and this is no exception. I love his little hand in there!
Oh I think we moms have all spent many of hours with these lovely trains and tracks! I was so sad to take ours down this past summer from non-use.
Little boys do love their trains! You are a sweet mommy for playing trains with him all day!
I love those sweet baby hands!
awwwwwww :)
Love the perspective of this.
We went through the train stage. We still have a train table in the playroom. Though at five and a half, he is finally starting to play with it a bit less. In the last year, he has made his own tracks!
What a fantastic Mommy you are and what a pretty picture :D
Hahaha. As soon as you said Sodor I pictured the man with the top hat. Toddler must be having a blast.
Dude. I feel your pain. That fat conductor. is. my. LIFE.
Thomas the Tank Engine was a HUGE presence in our home.
And remind me to post about the time we had the author round for dinner .....
Great photo!
We are just getting into trains around here and my little guy LOVES Thomas!
Children, they change our world!
Ya gotta love Thomas! But the dream part is a little unsettling! :P
Love the playtime picture! Cute little hands!
Trains and boys go hand in hand and I have definately done my fair share of "choo-chooing"! We even stayed a night in a train car at the Chattanooga choo choo hotel up in Tennessee and my kids loved it!
So cute! I think that we have to get our trains out again.
Is that Cranky Crane I see right there? I think I've got the same set.
Been there, done that.
I LOVE this picture.
Isn't that funny - about ARSE? I thought I had some few readers out there that would appreciate that!
Love the chugga chugga!
Ah yes, hi Edward! My son used to call Edward, "blue Henry". We know it well. And have the whole set of trains still.
I have two little girls. Thought I had managed to dodge Thomas the Train. Not so!
That is priceless time! I love all the wrinkles in that sweet chubby hand! Great pic!
it's all about repetition at that age - i remember it well! great colours in that photo. how's the morning sickness???
Chugga Chugga, funny funny!
You dreamed that you died? Yikes!
I'm with Cecily -- I love chunky baby hands (and feet...and butts... and cheeks and...)
Oh yes...the Island of Sodor. The land of Thomas and his friends ... and the strangest little show. My son justmissed being bitten by the Thomas bug ... he was heavily influenced by his little friend in the neighborhood who is in love with Thomas but my son fought it off and resisted. Thank God. But now he is obsessed with Legos and we build and rebuild with them all day long. But I'd take Legos over Thomas any day.
And I loved the line "All for the love of a boy."
What a great photo! And I love how life changes once kids come into it. :)
Oh, what a great picture. Oh, the things we do for our kiddos.
Perfectly beautiful shot.. right on track!
Take it from me, Thomas is still better than Polly Pockets.
You're a good mom!
I sooooooooooooo feel for you. I get soooooooo tired of hearing the theme song....holy moo.
This is quite possibly my favorite picture you have ever taken (that I've seen, this is).
Gotta love that they are into "simple" things when you aren't feeling well.
Did you get to go on vacation???
Hope you're feeling better, soon!!You can have some of my weight...
Thomas is one obsession we've never had over here, but then again we don't have boys either. I think every little boy I know has gone through a Thomas phase. :)
Love the photo!
*happy sigh*
Wow. You're like an engineer or a railroad builder or something. That's cool.
CHoo-Choo!! That picture is so darling....
I need a boy...have all girls!!
WOW! I love your railroad. Aaron would be so envious if I showed him this picture :)
I must admit that Sodor and all its inhabitants have really grown on me over the months of Aaron's obsession.
Well looky there, that looks pretty familiar! I know you saw my post from Thurs.! HA HA HA! So looks like you have Builder/Engineer on your "resume" too! :) Love it!
I love this picture! The focal point and blurred it! The chubby little fave!
This really made the sappy mom in me all gooshy inside. :)
Beautiful photo. Love the hand!
Keep on chuggin'!
We're a Thomas house, too. Daughter has a Thomas bedroom, I can't escape it!
PS No Mr Linky again today, I'll try and sign in at work, but if not, could you sign me in please? Many thanks WM x
My grandsons were obsessed with these trains for years!
Makes a good photo.
What a great shot. I have similar shots - only I have bad luck with blurry little hands. Dang.
What a great shot! I haven't been introduced to the whole Thomas world yet, but I know my day is coming soon. My little guy turned 1 just before Christmas.
Beautiful photo, how well I remember being the conductor.
My first time at Photo Story Friday, thanks for having me. Can't wait to check out everyone's photos!
Great shot, as usual. I SO remember being caught up in train world. Now my son is older and its the girlies princess world that we are caught up in.
So, I didn't get a chance to play this week as I was out of town on biz. :( Maybe next week.
Aw, how cute are those little hands?
Now, if you'll excuse me I need to finish counting my lucky stars.
I think I think your meaning of chugga chugga better. Seriously, being a kid I mean, having kids is!
Yikes that shot is SO CRISP and sharp! And my sons would LOVE that wooden railway. LOVE!
And my son DID spot Cranky the Crane back there too!
That's a cute post. :) We have train we put up at Christmas time and W.W. will often tell guests the train is sleeping and will back and play next Christmas. Although I have to admit I leave the track laying up to my husband if at all possible. LOL
You and me both! Awesome photo too. Magazine worthy...really.
Hope you are feeling better. :)
hehe. Sorry about the bad dream, but I love that you play trains. So sweet!
Ha! He's got you bad!!! I think I cut The Flash off after I'd spent about $200 on the stuff. :) :)
A love like no other, and he will remember things like this his entire life. You will never get the time back,and I am sure that you could never regret too much time spent doing such pursuits (even if it might sometimes drive you NUTS at the time).
i adore that photo, it is stunning. those chubby little hands tugging on the favorite train... the things we do as parents, right?
You poor thing, I guess it's better than having alien Dr. who dreams though...
Great photo and like C, I love the chunky little hand!
I'm on my second go-round with Thomas and Co. now that baby is 2.
But I make the older kid play with him a lot!
Love this truly tells teh story of a boy and his trains. The colors are so wonderfully vibrant!
Happily my children have not taken to I have thanked my lucky stars, twice. ;)
I'm so, so very bad with the train sounds. I need lessons!
Those little hands are adorable.
what a stunning photo. My boys would love that train set.
Ahhh Thomas the Train. We still have ours, but they don't get pulled out as much now that Lego have taken over the train table!
Love those cute lil toddler hands.
That is a great picture! Gotta love Thomas...even with his weird, bug eyes!
Chugga chugga, indeed.
Well maybe you should try a little of the old fashioned chugging!
I DO know the island of Sodor...and LOVE LOVE the photo.
awesome angle.
thanks for bringing me back to the days of when my son was younger...
My neighbors son had a huge train collection that my girls love to play with.
Great snap! :)
We just began our sojourn into the land of Thomas the train. God be with us...
"All for the love of a boy.' Never have truer words been uttered.
I know I have played twice but I have two devoted entirely to photography. this second entry was written after finding something I haven't seen in a very long time.
thanks for letting me play..
I love that little toddler arm. Oh the cuteness!!
It amazes me how much we change for our children. I do things for Hailey I never dreamed I would.
I have a little boy sitting next to me going crazy over your Thomas train. And guess what we're watching?
A Thomas Movie about Lady and the magical island of Sodor. Chugga Chugga.
Hahaha! Love your "Chugga chugga" quip!
Thankfully, we're over the Thomas we're in a galaxy far, far away.
Cute picture...I just love the pudgy toddler hand. :)
Dude. The first time I heard George Carlin's voice on a Thomas video, I decided to stay put just in case he dropped the f-bomb in there.
You know how he liked to do that...
Still laughing...oh, our boys and their trains. It is a love affair. Long lasting.
The little pudge hand in the corner of that picture? Oof.
The picture made me smile. The quote under it made me laugh out loud. Oh, so true...
I know exactly where you're talking about. ;) What fun he'll remember this winter with though. :)
I think trains can be even more the fun.
When I get board I like to crash the trains
That's a pretty great train setup! My kid would be jealous. :)
What a great shot -- and what a good mommy you are not to toss Sodor through the window!
Chugga chugga! Hahaha!! Yes, how different those two words are from college. ;) hehe
Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been down and out and tired and blah. But hopefully I'll be around to visit you much more often now. :)
You know - "Last night I dreamt..." so begins Daphne du Maurier's novel 'Rebecca' ("Last night I dreat that I was at Manderley again"). And your post beginning with the same words set off nostalgia ...
Awww. :) Other than the fact that I have a deep seeded hatred for Thomas and all inhabitants of Sodor, it sounds like fun. I love train sets.
I am right there with you! Actually wish I couldn't relate so well. Love live Sodor!