True, That.
Futile Fact #398: I've always been a quote junkie.
This past summer, during one of our hiking excursions, we stumpled upon this sign. In the middle of the day. In the middle of a corn field. In the middle of NoWhereVille.

Truth be told, I've always loved that quote. I can't say I've always applied that quote but, nonetheless, I still love its' truth. So, without further adieu, here are a few more of my favorite quotes (credit unknown) that I'm still searching to find (in a cornfield or otherwise).
-Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.
-Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
-If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
-If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
-When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
-You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.
-We can learn from crayons, some are pretty, some are dull. But they all have to live in the same box.
-A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
When I was in about the 6th grade I carried quote books around with me all the time. I've been a (as you say) quote junkie ever since.
I LOVE that you took a picture of that sign.
P.S. I was going to pick a favorite, but then I re-read all your quotes and I can't. These are great!
And how fitting for your upcoming elections!! I always recommend voting, if for no other reason than to have the right to complain afterwards. But it's true ~ solutions are probably more helpful.
Here's a few of my favourite quotes:
"Life is NOT like a bowl of cherries. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your a$$ tomorrow."
"If the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, start watering your own d@mn grass!!"
"If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas."
I just love those quotes they're priceless!
I joined in again today, it's been a while but I'm back!
I have a whole binder full of quotes and stories that if i would just apply I would be such abetter person. I love that you found it in the middle of a corn field. maybe i should convince my father in law to put one of your other favorites in his corn field for you to find. Are you ever in Central Washington?
I think those are all great quotes, too!
Have a good weekend!
I love all those quotes. The Henry Ford quote is priceless. Especially these days. And found in the middle of a corn field! That makes it even cooler. :)
Fun PSF!!!
Those are all great quotes.
Have a good weekend.
Ha the pigeon one, love it. I'll have to tuck that away. I use random movie/tv show quotes and get blank stares.
i LOVE those quotes! i'm back after a couple of weeks away. my story is up - missed you all!
I love people that put big signs up, in the middle of nowhere.
Personally, I'm a movie quote kind of guy, although one of my favorite quotes of all time, is from Calvin (the comic strip character, not the religious reformer)
"It's psychosematic. You need a lobotomy. I'll get a hacksaw."
You'd be surprised how often I find application for this.
Love the crayon quote.
LOVE the quotes... especially about keeping your words soft and sweet. if i could only stop myself sometimes before my harsh words come out. maybe i need to make a t-shirt with those words on it.
happy friday (or close enough)!
I am a quote junkie as well...the teaching philosphy my school used was BIG on quotes. I can still recite lines and lines of misc things.
I like the one about being one person....makes me want to be the mom the kids think I am!
of course your shot rocks....what does your husband say when you stop and take random pics of signs?
Those are all great quotes - I love the "be vague" one - DEFINITELY!
Have a good PSF - see ya - Kellan
so, so true. I also like 'if you can't compete you criticize.' Not always true, but often enough.
I love that you took a picture of the sign! Those are all great quotes. I love the pigeon one although lately, I've been the statue.
Here's one for you..."The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on." - Robert Bloch
Excellent quotes! And how odd to find that one in the field. I think today I'm the statue but I hope soon to be the pigeon. :)
I love this one most: You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.
helps me to feel that I might mean something to someone
what a great PSF! very inspiring!
I love collecting quotes too... it makes it so much easier to get through the little hardships of the day when there is a quote to fall back on even if it takes repeating it quite a few times!!
Great photo!!
What a neat sign - and placement of it. I love quotes too, but I write them down on little scraps of paper and lose them or random files on the computer. It's fun to stumble across one I haven't seen for a while. I love the ones you posted.
Great shot - and I like the line about the pigeon and the statue!
Love the picture..All of your favorite quotes are perfect to apply in life...!
Great shot!
We need reminders like that often!
Cool photo. I love quotes, too, and that is a good one.
Oh so very true. :)
I love reading great quotes - and these are wonderful ones!
hilarious picture in the middle of nowhere!
-If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
this one I like, I have said for years (20+) to any of my friends who wanted to borrow money and I knew they couldn't pay me back - just ask for it don't ask to borrow it!
I try to make my articulation students memorize quotes with their sounds in them. :) I'll have to do a post on that someday.
How odd to find a sign like that out in the middle of no where!!!
I should get a friend of mine to post signs she found in China.......they are a hoot!
What a funny thing to come upon while hiking! I bet they put that there for your quote-loving self. :)
PS The title of my PSF post is a new take on an old quote.
I couldn't see the sign....but, love the words. How wild to come across that hiking!?
I wish we all lived by that! don't you love how you stop and go "wow that would be great on my blog?" Hubby gets a kick out of it.
As an angst-ridden teen, I collected deep, meaningful quotes that went on and on and on. I like these.
hey I love quotes too
Henry Ford is responsible for one of my favorites.
" Think you can or Think you can't - either way you will be right."
great quotes. :) made for a creative PSF!
I love quotes too.
I have them everywhere on post it notes so that I can read them.. and put them to memory.
I love this one..and guess what? I wrote it down.. thanks.
Great quotes! The sign is pretty funny to see in the middle of nowheresville.
Much truth in those quotes.
I love the one about lending someone $20! :P
Lots of good quotes!!! Personally, I love the one about the crayons....never heard it before!!
Good quotes. I like Indira Ghandi: "Nothing worth achieving is easy"
Its actually the first time I'm hearing any of these quotes and I like them all. The one about keeping words soft and sweet may be my favourite though...
Don't you HATE it when signs are yelling at you like that? Like you don't have enough to photograph without a primadonna placard!
I LOVED your list-- this was a great PSF!
I love the quotes you shared. I really like the Crayon one and had to laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing!
If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. - That's awesome!
Soemtimes you need a big sign like that to smack you upside the head and be like, "DUH"! I totally printed that off and put it in our copy room.
(I'll be typing my next post out of the box they throw my stuff in.)
That's a great sign, in the middle of nowhere! I think it certainly applies to the world today. Have a great weekend!
I hope you'll come visit me next week to learn about my upcoming blog party!
Ha, I love those quotes. They are all great. The picture is too, again, of course. I too can't pick a favorite quote they are all very fitting.
What a thought provoking sign to find out in the middle of nowhere. ;) I would have photographed it too.
And I like that last quote, a happy person enjoys a detour. I have to agree with that one. Life seems to be full of detours if we take the phrase on a metaphorical level so best to be happy about it. :)
I love the quotes. I too like Cecily R had a book I kept my favorite quotes in and even loved to buy books of just quotes. I ought to try and dig that stuff up.
LOL! Awesome quote :) and love all the other ones too :) especially "If you lend someone $20 and never see them again" HAHA!!
some good quotes
I had to laugh
I so love quotes!
I have a quote book now. Love the good ones...I think I may steal these...they are good!
PSF has taken off...look at all your participants this week:) I love many of the quotes you posted!
oooh, i love quotes. in fact, i used to collect them (if you can even collect quotes). i am going to have to search for them now...
I used to be a quote collector, too, back in college when I had more free time than now.
Those were great! Thanks for sharing... :)
"i like to say 'f**k life,' but usually, it's life that f**ks you"
Hehe, excellent!!! Love that sign! I love those quotes as well, really tried my best to pick a favourite, but couldn't.
My favourite quote is not what you would call inspirational, but it always makes me laugh.
"His lips are moving, but is he SAYING anything?!" [Cat in the Hat]
Good reminder--I caught myself yesterday griping about something then thinking "I'm starting to sound like an old lady"
Good thoughts
Great quote!
Okay, I needed to read this today. It's been one of those crazy weeks! :)
I wonder who put the sign up? Love it!
I love that truth.
Love the quotes! And I love valleygirl's comment. :) Happy PSF!
Well, this certainly makes me think how I view things....
What a great quote, simple and to the point.
I needed it today.
LOVE this post!!! Perfect way to end my day. Thanks :)
Those are great quotes. I love them all. So many of us need to remember those every day.
I love quotes! This is some good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
I'm a quote-a-holic too. Those are some great quotes :)
I love taking photos of signs, too. you just never know what you will find, do you?
Love your quotes. How random is that, in the middle of a corn field... Quotes like that just kinda smack you in the face and tell you, "truth!"
I need to live bu that sign quote more often...
Great sign! I admit I am a quote junkie too. I love the one about being "the world to one person." I saw it on a wooden plaque not too long ago for the first time and got all tear-eyed. I'm a sap. What can I say?
Those are all great. I can't pick a favorite cuz they are all so good.
I want to make that sign! I love that quote too--i'm a HUGE fan of Henry Ford.
I love the quote about being in the wrong lane too--that is so totally me!
Way to post the best PSF ever!
I love quotes too! something about one sentence that puts everything into perspective!
Love those quotes!!
So true ;)
I collect quotes too. I have just a few on my sidebar. Liked those ones, had some of them myself. I especially liked the sign.
I think I'm going to have to steal some of your quotes!
Wonderful quotes... Love them all.
I love quotes too... those are some great ones.
Ok I am SO loving the 4th quote. So true!
I used to love quotations as well. Geez, when did I quit? Hmmm... now I want to go look some up!
i'm late. it's monday. better late than never?
love a good quote!!
those are ALL good!
Kismet. Everywhere.
I love quotes, too. And, I've never seen the crayola one, but I love it. Totally love it.
I love quotes too. You have some fun ones there!
To thine own self be true.
I thought my dad made that up for the longest time.
I love quotes too. I have never heard the crayon one before but I will use it!
What a great shot! I can just see the sign screaming at you to take it's picture. ;)
I'm a quote lover, too. If I had time to research for useable quotes (which thank goodness I don't!) then each of my blog posts would have wonderfully eloquent quotes. Instead of just me blathering. ;)
I must be living under a rock, cause I've never heard any of those sayings. Great quotes!
These are awesome.
I also love "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
Wow! Those are great! I love all of them, and think I will be using a few...:-)
And, wow, 92 comments!
Love the quotes: particularly the one about the crayon box...sorry I have been silent lately. I have been reading just not feeling too much like talking.
Great sign!