Boo Ya.
So. I had this plan to post photos of Toddler in his Thomas the Tank costume.
When he picked out that costume, it was a huge hit (much like last year's E-Male ensemble). But now, on the eve of Halloween he does NOT want to wear the thing, let alone, be in the same room with it. I'm fairly certain, there ain't NUTHIN going to change the boy's mind.
Ah, there's always next year.

Instead, I'll just wish you a frightfully exciting Halloween. May you enjoy all the Kit-Kat's and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups you can swindle from your children or, in my case, from your own serving dish.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who eats from their own candy dish (having saved their favorites of course). Next year, I'm only buying candy I dislike. Like Tootsie Rolls. BLECH.
All I can say is that the cuteness that is J will be my ticket to a SWEEEEEEETTTTT weekend :)
He loves his momma :)
And his momma loves chocolate (and her Tigger, too . . . ).
oh no!!
have a great helloween!!
We don't usually buy candy anymore. Too much temptation. And we hardly get any trick-or-treaters.
Does he love candy? If costume and pictures, no candy. Sorry.
Of course I dipped into their bags when they were little.. and into the bowl ever since.
Poor little guy.. something spooked him about it. Thomas will retain its popularity for a long while.. hopefully it'll still fit next year. :)
CC you drive a hard bargain!
ha h a- One year my son was OBSESSED with Spider Man - wore the dang costume out prior to Halloween - then big day arrives - the costume must have developed a rash b/c he wouldn't put that spidy web on to save his life! Oh well - just dress him in orange - he can pretend to be a pumpkin!!
Laughing here girlie - Kit Kats and PB Cups are SO IN my hand out basket!! (nothing else either)
From you own dish indeed! I steal the twix bars!
There is no way in this whole wide world that I would actually do SUCH a thing as dig into my OWN candy.....
Ok yea, me too.
Lucky for us, because we live out in the middle of nowhere, we don't get any trick-or-treaters {read: beggars}, so any and all candy I buy ~ and I DO, because it's all on sale by now at our local stores ~ goes to ME!!! Well, I'm forced to share with my spawn on occasion, but I try to keep some hidden!
Happy Halloween!!
I joined in again this week!
My wife buys all the good stuff. She's not tempted because she's a diabetic. Me on the other hand...
The neighborhood kids have learned that our house means smarties, and yes, tootsie rolls. Those peanut butter cups just go so fast...
I tax my children's bags as well.
Oh, the toddler is doing his job to a "T"! Happy Halloween;)
So what will he be instead? Nope, I also eat from the bowl and save my favorites for the last to be given. :)
Cute ghost. Oh and you MUST post some shots of Toddler as Thomas, you must. Oh and I so take the good candy from bowl too and I specifically buy the ones I love....bad me. :)
I totally eat all the chocolate out of the candy bowl... I bought hard candy this year for trick~or~treaters ... that might ensure I stay out of the leftovers. Or maybe not. ;)
Yeah, my girl did the same thing, I had to force the costume on her, but once she realized what trick or treating was about holy moly couldn't stop her. Only she didn't get a single reese's, what's up with that???
I love it when they start asserting themselves ...even if it gets in the way of some fun photo ops!
oh, and yes...I am the first to go thru the candy. Just today I took one of those chewy oatmeal cookies with the marshmellow center. Oh yeah, it was good!
ooops! friday brain! i hate tootsie rolls too!
I totally sneak candy out of our bowl...
Happy Halloween!
Let's get into the "spirit" of the task!
We have those same ghosts. :)
Too bad that your little guy won't have anything to do with the costume. Toddlers have been known to change their mind so who knows what tomorrow will bring. :) And the candy dish would be empty. We opted for Chewy bars and Capri Sun juice bags this year. They don't taunt me like Reese's and all the other chocolaty goodness do. ;) Happy Halloween!
Me's a lookin forward to the candy. Like I need it!
I hope your little one decides to dress up! Good luck! :)
Happy Halloween!
Oh man, can you bribe him?
I'm a little worried about Baby wearing her costume. I tried it on her earlier and she screamed her head off until I took it off. Oy!
We're lucky -- my oldest daughter doesn't eat most chocolate. I know...go figure!
But I already tried to purposefully NOT buy my favorite candies/chocolates this year.
I only buy the good stuff and I eat it straight out of the bag.
Also, the possibility that J-dog might refuse to wear his Halloween costume never even occurred to me. I might be in for some real trouble tomorrow when I introduce him to it. He doesn't even know what he's going to be yet.
How typical that he changes his mind! I'm sorry. That can't be easy for you. Don't buy candy! It saves you the guilt. I bought play-doh and sticker packets.
PB cups are the best! What's funny is I am not a fan of PB itself.. just from Reese's. :)
Happy Halloween.
We've had that happen - kids not wanting to wear costumes - ugh!
I bought me a whole bag of Reeces this evening - THEIR MINE!
Happy Halloween, my friend.
Ha! I'm guessing my 2 yo will have NOTHING to do with his lion costume this year, either....ugh. Thank God for hand-me-downs though - no sweat off my back :-)
Oh...and I've already learned the art of buying candy I know I won't touch! Phew. Now I only have to steal from the kids...
Love your ghost!
And no, you're not the only one. And those poor children of mine who "lose" all their good candy!
It's bubble gum for me next year!
I totally bought bubble gum and pixie stix this year so I didn't overdose on peanut butter cups and snickers.
Okay so I bought ONE bag of Reeses...but only ONE.
Nice and spooky, have a grand Halloween.
OH how hard!! Do you have a replacement?
Awesome photo of such a cute ghost! Ghosts CAN be cute right?
Happy Halloween and, with or without the costume, I hope you all have a wonderful time trick-or-treating!
Happy Halloween!
You're the only one that pilfers from your kids' candy bag.....
NOT!!!! Happy Halloween!
Can't kids be so fickle? Oh, wait, so can I! What is he gonna be if not Thomas I wonder? Love the picture! I have a hard time avoiding the candy dish too. This year it is all hiding in the laundry room until the last possible moment.
love the photo. :) I do hope your little one decides to wear the costume. My fingers are crossed!
My kids are still young enough so that I can snag all their chocolate without them noticing. Bad mama.
BooYa back at ya! I learned long ago never to buy candy I like. I buy the crap that kids skittles. YUCK!!!
I totally raid the girls loot.
Happy Halloween!
Aww, I love decorations like this :)
We totally ate through our candy stash last week. I had to make a mad dash for Smarties...yuck.
Oh I so give 1 to kids..2 for we just went to Costco to get big candy bars..harder to hide in the pockets!!
it is so cute decoration :D
Mine PFS post in HERE. Hope you have time to visit. Thanks.
Are you kidding???? We buy candy and don't even have one single trick or treater!!! However, THIS year my husband decided he was going to purchase the candy. Crap! He came home with everything I hate!!! On second thought, maybe that's a good thing...Have a great Halloween!
Oh yeah. I buy the cheap stuff and give it out first. I keep the dark chocolate for ME.
Oh, hey. I buy the kids' costumes at the thrift store. I buy two costumes each, cuz I KNOW they're gonna change their minds the night before the big event! ;-)
LOL! I buy candy both that we like and that we dislike. Guess which set gets given away first? ;)
boo boo cute ghost!
Bummer that he no longer wants anything to do with the costume!
Spooky Pic.
I get a bowl of candy and two trick-or-treaters. I buy what I like. Last year Harrison went as a orderly at a psych hospital. he had a chicken outfit and refused to wear it at the last minute (Okay, I don't blame him). So he wanted to be a ghost. We got as for as white shirt and pants (yeah, I had white toddler pants)
This year he wanted to be Obi Won Kanobi from Star Wars. so we got the costume and he wears it.
Until last night.
He said he wants to be a ghost.
I no longer have the white pants, so he won't end up as an orderly.
I'll keep you posted.
Oh no!!! Hopefully he'll change his mind. ;)
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween MG!
Please rest assured--not only to eat the candy out of the candy bowl--but I by a bowl full of stuff I don't like for the trick or treaters AND a bowl full of stuff I love to munch on throughout the entire holiday!
Whoohoo for sugar!!!!
love a kid with a mind of his own. drop by my PSF post and you'll see a) what i mean and b) that you could have it a lot worse!
maybe by tonight he'll want it back on...
Ok, Mr. Linky remembered my description from the bloggy giveaway. Sorry about that. The link is right though. ;)
Kids change their minds that's just a fact. I'm really surprised mine hasn't changed his yet. I've asked him everyday for weeks now and he keeps saying he wants to be a ghost. So that's what it'll be tonight.
I think all parents dips into the kids candy. LOL
Have a great Halloween!
Yikes! I was starting to wonder how long little toddlers take to grow out of Thomas....could this be a sign?
I had to have the husband hide the candy from me. All I wanted were the Reeces and I'm sad to say...I ate the ENTIRE BAG myself! Ugh!!!
Maybe he will like the costume in the next 12 hours?
Nope you're not the only one. Although it's Swizzels Double Lollies in this house. Happy Hallowe'en!
You are NOT the only one. Hubby and I hit up the candy dish MANY times last night! LOL
Happy Halloween! Sorry about the costume. They are so wierd about these things sometimes, I just don't get it!
And of course I swipe candy from my own bowl. DUH! ; )
I learned that last year, and bought candy I don't like THIS year. Taffy...yuck.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Oh, I love tootsie rolls!! That stinks about the costume... what will you do??
I'm totally with you on the candy thing! I eat most of the kids' every year, so I did the same, only bought stuff that I don't like. Also, we usually go T or Ting all night so I only bought one small bag. Yeah!
What r u gonna do. Next year
Happy Halloween! My hubby gets me my own halloween candy. yikes!
Halloween sounds like a whole lot of fun, actually a pity that we don't celebrate it here. LOL, to your little boy, is it not typical to turn on poor mommy just she has everything arranged perfectly? What is one to do but dip into the candy...?
What. a. day.
I love photostory friday
Hehe sounds typical!!
Love the photo :)
You know I'm after the Reeses. Beware, little goblins.
Aw, poor little guy.
Gosh, I hope my kid wears his costume tonight! Kinda hard to convince people to give you candy without a costume.
And the candy? I've already eaten handfuls of Twizzlers out of my own bowl and it's not even dark yet.
Happy Halloween!
I'm hoping Hailey will be more cooperative when it comes time to get her costume on in about an hour.
oh for sure...i pray and pray every year that they won't change their minds right before t-o-t...
and I NEVER eat candy out of my own bowl, isn't that like stealing candy from babies or somethin' ;)
How funny! Of course we all eat from our own candy dish! Haven't you seen my backside? It's not one to walk away from a reeses! :-) Happy Halloween!
I love the wee ghost...simple yet festive.
We almost had that problem with our tot. I was totally crushed after spending days making her own unique Tinkerbell costume she took one look at it and said, "That's not Tinkerbell." I had to bring in the big guns: Gramma.
I had the same problem with my son! I finally convinced him that he would get treats if he put on his costume, but that was after quite a few melt downs!
I'm sitting here now in a mound of empty candy wrappers...In the morning I will have thighisitis.
Peanut butter cups. I dare not have them in the house. So delicious. :)
Yep always next year! Hope you had a great halloween!
My Youngest has been dressing like Indiana Jones for six months now. We paid $35 for his Halloween costume of the same. What did he wear? His home-made ensemble, bringing only the whip from the costume packet.
My second child did NOT want to dress up either. And then later that night threw up...yeah, that's why!
Last year I had the cutest princess dress that lit up with LED lights for my daughter and she refused to wear it. the only thing she would wear was her Dora bathing suit... go figure!!
Happy Halloween!!
Oh dear! so what did he wear??
Don't eat yourself into a sugar crash. Maybe next week we'll see the costume?
Ah, the torture that is one's own candy leftovers is not to be believed. I have resorted to taking piles of it to work and leaving it on the communal counter, in order to avoid eating it myself.
My little guy was Thomas this year too. The costume is so huge, he'll probably be able to wear it next year. :)
And yes, I totally eat out of our candy stash. Can't help myself!
Those are really cute! What a great idea.
Love that fun little ghost!
I really have to stop buying candy I like. I actually hid several pieces just to ensure it wasn't handed out, or that my son wouldn't confuse it with his own loot.
Great pic!
Gotta love kids eh? can never figure them
Aww, sorry he didn't want the costume anymore, that's no fun. And my mom and I totally ate our favorites out of the bowl. (we both love tootsie rolls...but I have other favorites as well)
My Liam was going to be a dragon- too cute. Note I said "was going to be " because he decided to ixnay the costume and just be in the black sweatsuit that was to be worn underneath.
Damn kids!
I've had so much Halloween Candy I think I've gained 10 pounds.