Monday, July 14, 2008

No Mo Drama Mama

Ack. Last week was one of those weeks.

I watered a plant which leaked onto some hardwood flooring, damaging 3 boards. Naturally, the replacement hardwood is obsolete. Long story short, the entire dining room floor needs to be REPLACED.

And then.

While soaking up sun, sipping a fru-fru drink, watching my son run through the sprinkler, I casually noticed the window well overflowing with water. A hose was on, running into the newly finished basement window FLOODING the newly finished bathroom.


Theoretically, how hard should it be to watch a toddler, do laundry, make lunch and not cause excessive damage to your home?

I did, however, bake a cake today without burning the house down. Progress.

Please commiserate with me. Someone? I'll send ya some cake.