WFMW: Teething Remedy
Our son started teething at 5 months and is still going strong at 12 months with his eye-teeth making their grand debut.
Needless to say, this teething phase has caused much drooling, discomfort and crankiness (for all parties involved). We tried the standard remedies (frozen rings, frozen cloths, teething rings, gels, ...) with limited success.
Alas, we found the Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder. We put frozen fruit, ice chips and even Popsicle's into the mesh feeder and let him suck on it. He loves it and based on his sudden mood change, it diminishes his discomfort.You can also put any type of food into this feeder for an infant to feed on to reduce the risk of choking. It's great to take along to restaurants for this purpose.
We purchased ours at Target. There are 2 feeders in a package costing roughly $5.It Works For Me!
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Five bucks sounds good to me to avoid all those mentioned symptoms! I'm going to pick me up some. Thanks!
Oh my all these new fangled items that look so wonderful out there! My kids are all adults but I'll keep that in mind for grandchildren...
I've seen those and was wondering if they worked. I'll have to pick a pack up next time I'm out. Thanks!
Oh I LOVE those things! My daughter ate her first Thanksgiving meal through a safe feeder. I totally agree that they are great for teething as well.
Okay, here's how I got here: Rocks in my Dryer to Frugal Hacks to you. Totally worth the trip. Love your sense of humor.
I have a bad teether right now. I might have to try this out. Thanks for the tip!
I completely agree. These are awesome teethers!!
And (BONUS) they keep your little one occupied at dinner - so you can actually taste your food!!!
I always wondered if those worked. I guess I should've tried them.
Jessica - Good point.
I can tell, based on experience, we can get SIX (yes, SIX) whole minutes to eat our dinner when he is occupied with the feeder!! :)
My kids liked these, but I had a heck of a time washing bananas out of them.
Gotta go to Target! Baby ChubChub won't take a pacifier and has been teething for 5 months now! This product may be the answer to a prayer!
What a great product. Pity my kids are too old for it. Almost makes me want to have another. ;)
My littlest one is just about to lose his first tooth.
That's a great idea. I've seen those but never tried them.
Gah I don't know if I could ever bring myself to using those. How do you clean them? How do you KNOW they've been clean? What is the mesh made of? Is it possible for it to fall apart and choke baby?
They look cute and the idea behind them is great ... but I don't think I could ever use them.
Now, the Razberry Teethers are AWESOME.
I've heard great things about these too - but our Target is always out of them and our Wal-Mart doesn't carry them.
I guess I'll have to resort to online shopping + shipping costs....
Oh, I have some of those and my little guy is teething now (7 mos.) I had actually bought some and then read somewhere that they actually hinder a baby's motor skills needed for eating from developing properly. You know like the way you use your lips and tongue to eat. This is a great way to use them and if it's frozen, no problems!! Thanks.
I have one of those. I wasn't very creative with what to put in them though. Will try as a teether. My WFMW is about no-fuss bathtime.
I love the mesh feeder! But I have never thought to put frozen goodies in them. My son will thank you for the idea!