What a sweet doggie you have, to put up with the toddler, but, really, there's nothing better for kids than fun interaction with a good pet like that.
Our friend who is a respiratory therapist was telling me that having dogs and cats in the house is good protection against allergies later on in life. So . . . I guess your kids and my kids are good to go!
Awwwwww, I just want to pet that big puppy even though he's tired:) Regarding my pic, that wasnt a frame..that was a pic out of the porthole of our room on the QUeen Mary:) Pretty cool, huh? Happy WW and thanks for stopping by.
LOL. A few years ago, my brother came over for a week with his wife, two daughters and his dog. The dog wasn't used to kids like mine. It played with them all day during the first day, then slept for one and a half :-)
You have no idea how appropriate that is! Harrison came home from preschool today, walked out to the back yard an went running over to Duke-the-Dog and started saying, "I' here! I'm here! Dukie you wanna play catch?"
Duke lifted his head, checked out the noisy toddler, got up and sauntered into the house - away from said child.
We’ll post links to sites that have Wednesday (plus or minus a few days) submissions of their chosen animal artwork. “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”—Bertolt Brecht
I'll bet you feel that way some days, too. :) Or all days?
Cute picture...
Awwwww. We've got a 7-month old lab/border collie cross ~ I'm not sure we'll ever see him in this pose!!
I can just imagine!
What a sweet doggie you have, to put up with the toddler, but, really, there's nothing better for kids than fun interaction with a good pet like that.
Our friend who is a respiratory therapist was telling me that having dogs and cats in the house is good protection against allergies later on in life. So . . . I guess your kids and my kids are good to go!
I am, too. What a day....
Toddler overdose? I feel his pain!
Nice shot!
Awww doggie you look like I feel. But you look it cuter. :)
Were you laying on the ground to take this? It is amazing! I feel that way about now on most days.
Aww, he looks so tuckered out. Cute cute.
Sweet puppy!
Yeah, toddlers will do that to ya! Great shot!
I bet the toddler is sleeping too!
I feel his pain.
Great picture!!
Animals and nature make the best shots. You seem to have a knack for catching them both! Great photos!
Oh, I just want to kiss his cute nose!
Thanks for the well-wishes MG...I have a short update on mom on my blog.
Your dog is really good to put up with being such a centerfold. Mine would flick me off, I'm sure.
Oh that sweet, sweet baby! I seriously want a dog again now. What a precious!
LOVE that shot. LOVE that dog. And oh how I share his sentiment.
That'll do it! What a beautiful pup.
Yes, I have been there back when I had two toddlers.
Awwwwww, I just want to pet that big puppy even though he's tired:) Regarding my pic, that wasnt a frame..that was a pic out of the porthole of our room on the QUeen Mary:) Pretty cool, huh? Happy WW and thanks for stopping by.
Dude, I totally hear you.
Yes, that's what I look like by the end of the day, too, minus the wet schnoz and floppy ears. Sweet puppy!
LOL. A few years ago, my brother came over for a week with his wife, two daughters and his dog. The dog wasn't used to kids like mine. It played with them all day during the first day, then slept for one and a half :-)
Happy WW!
My post: "Dressed to kill" (It'll be up in about 1.5 hours)
You know what, I know the feeling! Cute, tired pooch:)
I get that. Our dog wants to go outside (aka escape) a lot more than he used to!
I just love your dog. This picture made me smile instantly, well done!
Toddler overdose - ACK!!! Cute picture - he's a sweetie!
Have a good WW - see ya - Kellan
Gah, I feel the same way, Pup. Move over will ya. That looks like a great place to nap!!!
Oh my gosh, too cute!
Okay. Love this one. :)
Love that pooch. And the angle. Delightfully real. Adds to the exhausted feeling.
Where is the drool? It has got to be in there somewhere. Bless his little doggie heart. I bet he is a good sport!
Ahh - that's a peaceful sleep. I can just imagine the exhaustion running after or being chased by a toddler!
I have SO felt like that
I'm pretty sure that you could curl up right next to him and take a nap!! He is adorable!
Oh how peaceful! It's a beautiful photo.
We need to wait until our kids are just a little older before finding a family pet. I can't wait for the day, dogs are so amazing!
Charles Schlutz said, "Happiness is a warm puppy."
I concur.
And how can my husband NOT want a dog??
Great shot! This shows a great friendship between the dog and your toddler. :P
And the toddler was still going like a duracell bunny, right?
Today I totally feel like the dog. Same cause. Zzzzzz...
Thats how I feel but maybe I'm Mom-sausted instead.
I feel like that too! Just no nearly as cute!!
The same thing happens to my dog, except she has to hide under the bed in order to get any peace.
poor doggy!
LOL...I look like that after a day with my daughter. But now I have a new phrase for it...Toddler Overdose. TO. Wonder if there is a pill for that??
Awwwww...love the title and the picture!
this is absolutely gorgeous.what did the owner do to his dog why he is so dogsausted?
Happy WW to you!
Check out my entry too.
Let Me In
Spot the Mommy
Me and you both PUP! I want that dog! SOOOO CUUUUTE.
Oh what a cute looking dog here i found. I miss our pet back home lol! Happy WW!
He's thinking ahead
Missing this house
Awe . . . what's the toddler look like?
He looks exhausted!
Happy wW!
Such a gorgeous canine! What kind is he/she? I can't wait until we can get a dog for Lil Man. I'm sure we will have a dog-sauted pet as well. hehe
Cute! Yep, pretty much sums up how I feel at the end of the day, too. ;)
Great close up! Toddlers definitely have a way of doing that to family pets. Mine can even make my parent's cat pant. ;)
aww. how sweet.
Now that is too stinking cute! I love it!
Poor guy. But he is a toddler's best friend, no?
AHHHHH - precious! I used my dog - identical twin to your dog - for today's WW at my place!
That's an adorable pic! Happy WW.
Nice to see you, I mean your dog, again. I'm alive but won't be blogging much for a while...as you noticed. Will check in again when I can. Heart cha.
This is my first time here! The pictures you take are incredible!
You have no idea how appropriate that is! Harrison came home from preschool today, walked out to the back yard an went running over to Duke-the-Dog and started saying, "I' here! I'm here! Dukie you wanna play catch?"
Duke lifted his head, checked out the noisy toddler, got up and sauntered into the house - away from said child.
Never a dull moment.
your guy (gal?) is a cutie!
I love how deeply they can sleep. :)
Oh sweet doggie! I just want to pet that sweet baby!
That's one of the worst cases of toddler overdose I have seen. Rest. Fluids. Perhaps mix up his routine with a kindergartener. ;)
Toddler overdose? Wonder what happened...
Poor guy looks wiped! A good long nap should fix him up.
I tell you, someday I am coming to steal that dog, or at least take a nap with him. I just love when you post dog pics.
ok that is just about the most awesomess (word?) picture ever.
We’ll post links to sites that have Wednesday (plus or minus a few days) submissions of their chosen animal artwork. “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”—Bertolt Brecht
THAT is how I feel!! Love the title. Great GREAT picture as always!
Great photo, as usual... :)
It's always good to get back to the basics of the simplicity of life in a "dogs world!" Great picture.
Oh, goodness, I do so love that dog. Reminds me of...me.
Just lovely!
Funny...that is EXACTLY how I look after a tough day with my toddlers!!
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